Thursday, October 7, 2010

Spring has sprung

Well spring sprung about a month ago, but with all the beautiful weather the garden is coming alive. I have been spending alot of my time outside, my back is still a bit sore and now very itchy from some sun burn I got last weekend, and I didn't think that I was outside in my singlet for that long. Back in August I started some seeds in my kitchen, I started some seeds of tomatoes, pumpkins, onions, cabbages, cauliflowers, broccoli, lettuces and wombuk cabbages. These were all on the top of my combustion stove where I could watch them and water them every day, and in the process get very excited every time a seed sprouted, some didn't sprout as the seeds were too old. We then pulled the broken swings off an old swing set our children had out grown and covered it with plastic and now we have a nice little green house, so that is where our seedlings went. Now that the days are getting warmer I pulled out the cabbages and lettuces and planted some of them, I am still in the process of making beds for the rest of them. It is safe to put them out as the frost wont hurt them and we are still in danger of frost for about another month. Then the tomatoes were needing to be separated, I wanted to buy some jiffy pots so I could just plant the whole pot when the time came. But my budget was too tight, and our local hardware didn't have any. So I thought of an idea Katherine had about a year ago to make newspaper pots. So I went to our newsagent and asked for old newspapers, she said I only have these three stacks here but you can have them. When I got home I set her to work, she put on her favourite DVD and made pots, lots of pots.

These are some of the pots she made.

Then we lined them up and filled them with dirt, again I didn't have the money for potting mix so we used nice soil from our garden

I didn't think to get photos before I started separating the tomatoes but here is what is left.

And after they have been put in the pots, some of them are abit sad, but I watered them and fertilised them and put them back in the green house now they are happy again

Since doing the tomatoes a new lot of seed has arrived and we have put pumpkins, rockmelons, and watermelons in our newspaper pots. And I have LOTS of newspaper left over for mulch as the weeds are growing as fast as everything else.

1 comment:

  1. LOL I find it so amazing to have blooger friends from all over. You are perparing for spring and we are just starting fall. Even if it's still hotter than I'd like for fall summer just doesn't want to let go life in the desert is like that. Your little seedlings look great.
