Hi everyone!
I just thought I would write a quick note to let you all know what is going on with this blog and Mum's other blog, as it all seems to be happening rather quickly and in a great deal of mess.
Well I guess I should introduce myself, I am Katherine, I think you get the general gist that I am Louisa's daughter :).
It would be an understatement to say that a lot has been happening. Spring is here so everyone is running too and fro fixing this and feeding that, as well as planting seeds and training horses. But during this time there have been quite a few vigorous 'Brainstorming' (my new word that has affected my whole family) sessions. Most of which are about school, my sisters working hours, making money and the all important garden and soap.
I will discontinue my very rambling thoughts and get to the point. I am the new 'Marketing Director' for the Upper Murray Soap company and co. In other words I sit at a computer and type out long speeches about Olive oil in all its greatness. So THIS is now my mother's writing space and I get the Upper Murray Soap blog as well as the in-planning-facebook-page and etc. etc. etc.
I have moved all of Mum's old posts from the UMS blog to here, that is why she has all of a sudden gotten more posts and you have read them all before, but if anything is unclear to you, because of muck ups in the copying and pasting I did, please leave my Mummy a nice comment and I will fix it if I can.
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